Address information needed for the creation of labels or lists is available for rent from The Mississippi Bar for law-related use. We do not release bar numbers, email addresses, or phone numbers. Permission to use Mississippi Bar address information is conditioned upon the terms contained in the Mailing Label Rental Agreement here. The accuracy of the addresses is not guaranteed but reflects the information on record at The Mississippi Bar as of the date of order fulfillment. To request an Excel spreadsheet with mailing address information, print the following forms and return them to the Membership Department at [email protected], or mail to Membership Records, The Mississippi Bar, P.O. Box 2168, Jackson, MS 39225. Contact the Membership Department at [email protected] or 601-355-4619 if you have any questions. Please allow 3-5 working days.
Mailing Address Rental Agreement
Mailing Address Order Form
Membership Data