Rule 5.5 In-House Counsel Registration

The Supreme Court of Mississippi amended Rule 5.5 of the Mississippi Rules of Professional Conduct (MRPC) on June 18, 2021, with an effective date of July 1, 2021.  A copy of the amended rule may be viewed here.

Rule 5.5(d), MRPC, as amended, requires attorneys that are not licensed in Mississippi, who serve as in-house corporate lawyers, government lawyers, and others who are employed to render legal services to an employer, who establish an office or other systematic presence in Mississippi, to register with The Mississippi Bar and pay a registration fee annually. Each  current registrant must resubmit a renewal form, provide a current Letter of Good Standing, proof of employment and pay annual In House Counsel Registration Fee of $380.00.

Attorneys that are not licensed in Mississippi may register by completing the below form and submitting it to the Bar’s Membership department at [email protected]

In-House Counsel Registration Form (New Applications) 2024-2025

In-House Counsel Registration Form (Renewals) 2024-2025